5 Phrases You Didn’t Know You Needed to Hear Today
I have a list of ridiculous sayings and phrases that I randomly throw out as advice for my friends. Like little golden nuggets of advice, let’s get right into it
You gotta spend money to make money
While this rule often backfires on me when I go online shopping, I genuinely believe that this is very true. You get what you put into something and sometimes that means investing money in something that’s gonna make you better. Right now during quarantine is the perfect time to repurpose that newfound time into something productive and beneficial to you. Learn a new language, sign up for a class to get certified in something, try a new gym workout on zoom. Find something you’ve always wanted to try and just commit to it. If you invest time and money in yourself, you will definitely see results.
Even Lola is learning how to blog.
If she can learn something, so can you.
Just cause there’s a goalie doesn’t mean you can’t score
Ok, I’m well aware that this phrase is referring to going after someone that is involved in a relationship with someone else. But hear me out - this applies to all of us in life, maybe not in terms of cheating, but in the sense that there is always an obstacle (goalie) in front of our goals (no pun intended, I SWEAR). Just because there is something standing in between us and our goals doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t go for them.
Tequila can cure anything
Feeling under the weather? Tequila and honey. Going through a breakup? Tequila. Had a long day at work? Tequila. The list goes on and on. Bottom line, tequila is honestly the best thing you can drink in terms of alcohol because A) it gets you wasted very quickly and B) it’s vegan and literally the best ever. If tequila is burning your esophagus each time you drink it, then you are drinking the wrong kind of tequila.
Casa Amigos
If you have not tried this tequila, you are missing out. Great quality and priced v reasonably. Better than 1800 and Patron (in my opinion). Tequila review coming soon - stay tuned.
You must workout on the days that you don’t feel like working out at all
This one is critical. Also in conjunction with this phrase, never miss a Monday. I used to literally hate working out because I couldn’t do all of the exercises in my program or I could only do body weight instead of with real weights. Fuck that. Those are just excuses. Do the damn workout, especially when you don’t want to. 3 months from now you’ll be happy you started or you’ll be wondering what could have been if you just would have started then. Just freaking do it.
Bronx 10 Miler
NEVER in a million years did I think I could ever run 10 miles or do a race like this. Our bodies are so capable of anything we set our mind to.
You gotta risk it to get the biscuit!
I can’t remember what movie this is from, so if you know, lmk in the comments. But seriously, your comfort zone is not where you want to be. Push yourself and push your boundaries. Get scared and get uncomfortable. Will you fall once or twice? Maybe, probably. But you’ll just get back up until you reach your goal. There is no better satisfaction than what you feel when you achieve a goal that you were scared of before. Literally nothing better than that. Take a chance, bet on yourself! You won’t regret it.
Have the best weekend friends. I’m probably drunk on a boat in the Hamptons right about now so cheers!