Dr. Alex Karev
*****This is your warning that there are spoilers in this blog post. *****
Photo from Refinery29
I am a huge Grey’s Anatomy fan. No, like seriously obsessed. I constantly have it playing when I’m home and since I’ve seen it so many times, I already know what’s going to happen so I can passively watch it.
So in the latest season, one of my favorite characters left the show: Dr. Alex Karev. First of all he is so hot but the best part about his character is the tremendous change that happens. Now I know that this is not a real show but I’m so emotionally invested at this point that him leaving the show has left me unwell. I’m so dramatic but really I’m so upset.
In the first season, he is one of the worst characters. He really is a piece of shit and I don’t even think he makes an appearance in the pilot He is cocky and he knows he’s hot and he thinks he’s better than everybody, typical. But as the show progresses, he grows so much and I love that. Shonda Rhimes is a goddess and we don’t deserve her. The way she has been able to add so much depth to these characters is unreal.
I’m trying to think of Karev’s best moments that really impact his character development. Let’s start with Izzie.
Photo from TV Line
Izzie is single handily the worst character on the entire show, don’t try to tell me otherwise. Somehow, Izzie (what a stupid name) saw something in him when he was an asshole but with her he was so sweet and caring. Why do people act different around the people that they are dating? Like just be you?? Anyway, their relationship made me want to puke and I cannot believe we had to put up with that for so long. I hate that he needed Izzie because she was supposed to be this “light” because she is so optimistic and positive about everything. Like everything doesn’t have to be sunshine and rainbows every day. In fact, most days won’t be like that. Dr. Karev was an asshole but he was always honest, even when people didn’t want to hear the truth. People get so offended when you tell them the truth, I don’t get it.
Photo from TV Fanatic
Let’s talk about the other girls that Alex dates throughout the show. Sure, he sleeps with a bunch of them but the ones he actually dated changed him completely. There was Ava/Rebecca who was 100% crazy and faked a pregnancy to be with him. Then there was Lexie, she was one of the good ones. And then there was Jo, the best one. But all of these women were so messed up and “broken” and I hate that they always had to be crazy to be with Alex. Like he was supposed to save all the crazy bitches at the hospital? Also, all these women are crazy so they need saving? I don’t like that. Save your damn self. I really feel like we are so codependent on people when we really need to get comfortable being alone. When it comes down to it, you’ll always be there for yourself. Don’t let yourself down.
The fact that he leaves the show to be with Izzie is absolutely mind blowing and I’m getting so mad just thinking about it again. Jo was not perfect but she was perfect for him just like he was for her. They each went through such traumatic upbringings and finally opened up to each other and got freaking married and he leaves to be with Izzie and her babies. Their babies.
Now rewatching the show, there are so many hints at this ending that I really shouldn’t even be surprised, yet somehow I still am. Izzie should have just been killed off in the show and there wouldn’t have been Izzie babies for Jo to worry about.
Photo from Entertainment Tonight
Okay so now let’s talk about how Alex left. Basically, he wrote letters to Meredith, Jo and Dr. Bailey explaining why he left, which was to get back together with Izzie because she had the babies using his sperm from when she had cancer. He just freaking disappeared and then mailed letters. Maybe season 1 Alex wouldn’t have said anything at all but he evolved into such a great person that it just doesn’t make sense for him to do it this way. You can’t divorce your wife with a freaking letter. That’s not the kind of guy he developed into and it makes me so mad that they would paint him in that light. Then the letter to Dr. Bailey, he has the nerve to ask for a damn letter of recommendation!!!!! After he just left them hanging high and dry. The goodbye that hurt the most was when Meredith was reading her letter. She took him in when literally nobody liked him. Not even Izzie. And he was her freaking person after Yang left. I just can’t believe that he would leave her that way, knowing about all of her abandonment issues. Her mom loved surgery more than her, her dad abandoned her, Yang left her, Dr. Shepherd and Lexi died. I mean how much trauma is the woman supposed to endure. A letter was just not enough.
Photo from PopSugar
I don’t know that there was ever a good way for them to write him out of the show but this was just not fair. Not fair to his character, not fair to his wife, not fair to the fans! I’m so upset. All that being said, he really did make a great best friend to Meredith and his journey on the show was one of my favorites.
Ugh, I’m so annoying. I can’t believe I just wrote a whole piece on a fictional character but whatever. Hopefully there are some Grey’s Anatomy fans out there that feel the same way, or don’t. Let me know what you think of Karev’s exit from the show & which Karev relationship was your favorite.
Goodbye, Evil Spawn. Miss you more and more with each episode!