Make Shit Happen
Hiiii, welcome back to hangrymarn. I posted a quarantine transformation pic and I got some questions regarding how i was achieving my results. Def check out the other post that came out this week about Smalletics because I follow her workout plan. But outside of that, I thought I’d share some things that I do to keep me on track.
Make a plan and commit to it
When I was commuting into Manhattan, I was spending 2ish hours a day on the train, so I had to make sure I was leaving time to workout. TBH, a lot of times I was exhausted and just didn’t workout. It’s so much easier if it’s on your calendar and if you just make it part of your routine. Especially if it’s at the same time every day or every other day. We are creatures of habit, so play to your strengths. Also, my calendar is like my Bible. I will not show up to anything that’s not on my calendar.
Book appointments on your calendar and turn reminders on
(lol how nice would it be to actually stop working at 5pm every single day. A girl can dream)
I use Google calendar because it’s great, but you can really use any calendar app. You can even use a FiloFax thing? (shout out to Monika J.). Making time for your workouts means that you are making time for yourself. I started by doing strength workouts 3x a week and adjusted depending on how I felt.
Get rid of food that is bad for you, get food that’s good for you
This one is hard. If you’re anything like me, you love chips, cookies, brownies, cakes, etc. Literally, all the things. You gotta get that shit out of your house. Find healthier alternatives (aka snacks that aren’t AS bad for you) because it’s hard to just quit cold turkey. But if you don’t have them in reach, you can’t eat them. Instead, stock up on fresh fruits, veggies and lean proteins. I’m so annoying, but I actually order my groceries and I have to plan 1 week in advance. The service I use is called Farm to People and they are local to NYC. I’ll link it here and you can get a discount. I order the paleo box and modify the quantities to increase the items I like and decrease the number of items i dislike/won’t use.
Rest & recover
Resting, stretching, & getting enough sleep are crucial. Ever heard the saying, “you can’t pour from an empty cup”? Well there you have it, simple as that. You cannot perform your best in your workouts if you are not well rested and injured. Take care of your body and treat it with respect. I’ve always been bad at the stretching piece of this and I honestly still struggle with it. Smalletics taught me to do dynamic warm ups before workouts and static stretches after workouts. I hate it, it’s the worst part of the workout for me but you gotta do it. Just freaking do it. Also, my friends and I recently got Whoop fitness trackers that have awesome recovery analytics. My good friend Alex J. works there so shout out to him and Whoop team doing big things. No surprise, but I’m crushing the sleep metrics. Feel free to refer to me as queen of sleep from now on.
Life is a mess right now and honestly and this all looks nice and perfect, but let’s be serious - things never actually go according to plan. It’s just easier to stay on track/get back on track when you do have a plan in place. If you miss a workout, make it up the next day or just resume the workouts as usual. It’s okay! Set yourself up for success and take advantage of this shitty situation.
Ok that’s all I have for you guys today. Let me know what else you are struggling with during quarantine down in the comments below!
Follow @hangrymarn on instagram, byeee.