Not Your Typical Year (in review)
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Good fucking riddance, 2020. Bye Felicia! I always spend a ton of time at home (pre-pandemic) and a huge chunk of that time is spent watching Netflix or whatever streaming channel I’m into that week. Everyone is reviewing their year personally, but it just seemed fitting to review the best and the worst shows of the year.
One of my goals for 2021 is to build out my Tableau Public Portfolio because all of my work in Tableau thus far, in my 4-year professional career (lmao) has been on company devices meaning that the external public can’t see it. I’m not necessarily mad about it, the dashboards I’ve built have company data on them. So I started trying to think of ways to build dashboards externally.
I hate using ‘fake’ data so I really wanted to think of like real-life use cases where they could be useful. My friends and I are constantly talking about the shows we are watching as we have spent such an enormous amount of time doing so and then the lightbulb went off: What if I rated every show, movie, documentary I’ve watched. You’re probably thinking, what a nerd, but I don’t care. I needed real use cases to test my skills and build my dashboards. So here it is, what should I build next?
Need something to watch?
Feel free to reference that dashboard whenever you’re looking for a new show. I’ve recently started watching shows on Hulu so I’ll be expanding the list with shows from there, Disney+, and more soon! But for now, my top 3 streams of the year.
3. Unblievable
Ok this came out in September of 2019 but whatever. I’m not gonna lie, this show was hard to watch at times but sometimes those are the ones we HAVE to watch. This show is about a series of rapes that take place in different counties or districts and the how each of the victims are treated by each of the different districts. It also sheds light on how different circumstances and environments and previous history impacts the treatment of these victims. Some of these stories are truly heartbreaking. It is based on an article which is based true events. It is very well done and I definitely recommend it.
2. My Octopus Teacher
WOW - When Steph told me to watch this, I was like wtf? I don’t want to watch this. Like who cares about octopus? Me. Me cares about octopuses. Octopi? Whats the plural for of octopus. Well whatever, this documentary is spectacular. I’ve always been fascinated by the ocean but also like scared of it because there’s so much that is unknown to us. You really will not believe the relationship that this man fosters with this octopus. It is truly amazing. Like he goes to see her day in and day out and I’m just shocked that he manages to find her day after day. It is truly spectacular. Definitely watch it.
1. The Queens Gambit
LMAO, this is another recommendation from Steph. I was like who the hell wants to watch a show about chess? I cannot tell you the name of any of the pieces used to play chess except the queen. The only knowledge about chess that I have is wizard’s chess from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s (or Philosopher’s) Stone. You don’t need to know anything about chess to watch this show. There are many things that I love about this show, the main one being that the main character is a woman. She is beautiful but in the show, she is portrayed as this strange person, doesn’t really make friends super easily. It’s just nice to see a show that’s not about the popular quarterback or cheerleader, you know? Anyway, if for some reason you have not yet seen this show, do yourself a favor and watch it.