US Open 2020
The US Open 2020 is happening! While most people around the world are ecstatic to have live tennis back (soon), I am absolutely heartbroken.
My good friend texted me a few weeks ago regarding the possibility of having this tournament without fans and I literally thought there was not a chance that that could happen. Kind of like when I never thought Trump would be president, but here we are.
I genuinely did not believe that this was an actual possibility
Not only is the tournament happening without fans, but it is conveniently located ~10 minutes from my apartment! It’s going to be absolute torture being so close and not being able to be there.
Additionally, I don’t know if it’s sunk in with everybody but no fans means no Honey Deuces. If you don’t know what I’m talking about, I highly recommend planning a trip to the Open in the future just to try these [incredibly overpriced but extremely instagramable] drinks. They’re v sweet but definitely a whole vibe.
At $18 a pop, I can’t say they’re the most cost effective way to get buzzed at the tournament but you really can’t come here and not try one. Who can really resist Grey Goose or those cute melon balls that look like tennis balls.
Pro tip: put the melon balls in the drink to soak up alcohol and eat them when you’re done with your drink.
Pro tip x2: There is one stand that sells frozen Honey Deuces and it is literally perfect for those hot summer days on the outside courts. It’s definitely better than the traditional, on the rocks version.

Anyway, I realize that my reasons for being upset about this are very selfish and not entirely valid. I am very happy that professional tennis will be back very soon and I know a lot of the players are dying to get back out there. But I’m gonna take a moment to reminisce on the amazing times I’ve had at this beautiful tennis center with some of my favorite people in the world.
In case you missed the press conference from the new tournament director (girl power!!!!), you can find it here.