Welcome back to hangrymarn. If you haven’t checked out the first post of the year, definitely read that one first and come back. This post will be sort of a continuation of the last one.

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I set some goals for 2021 and I want to get ahead on them before I completely forget about and neglect them later on in the year. No but really, I set pretty attainable goals and they’re actually things that I neeeeed to implement in my life. The main goals were to 1) get my finances together, 2) set up my Tableau public profile (external portfolio to Morgan Stanley) and 3) get back to eating well. This week’s post is going to quite literally roast the fuck out of me. Buckle up, let’s get into it.

Ok, so to build my public portfolio of my Tableau dashboards, I needed data. Now, there are a ton of data sources out on the web but I wanted to use my own personal data to try to incorporate it into my life and make changes that I could track and measure. God, just reading that I’m rolling my eyes and thinking I’m such a nerd. I love it. So last post we went into my Spotify data, and this week we’re gonna go into my Seamless data. Holy fuck, when I tell you it took me DAYS to open this up, I’m not even exaggerating. I quite literally could not face my spending data. I have a great job and make good enough money to not need to struggle, IF I were to live like a normal person. However, I grew up surrounded by tons of family that loved me and spoiled me. My parents divorced when I was young and both sides of the family really just spoiled me rotten. I do have 2 half brothers but I’m a bit older so I never really had to share. For a good bit of time, all of the attention was on me and when I say I was treated like a fucking princess, I quite literally was. The good ole days. Hahaha just kidding, my family still treats me like that but now I’m supposedly an adult. What a sick and twisted joke THAT is. Paying rent, paying bills, paying for everything that I want. Hate that. So obviously NYC is way more expensive than most cities, and if you don’t live here you will really just never fully understand. If you visit, maybe you’ll notice it a bit but there’s nothing like experiencing the actual elevated cost of living.

Anyway, back to my goals. I spend a lot so I’m trying to reign it in and I have always known that I eat out a lot but I never had to really face the facts. So finally today, I was on a video call with my best friend analyzing his Spotify data and I just decided that I might as well face the music. My initial and final thoughts: WHAT THE FUCK WAS I THINKING????? Who did I think I was????? Ok, you wanna see it, don’t you? I can’t believe I’m about to expose myself like this. But what the hell - can’t fix a problem without accepting it first.

Seamless Dashboard.png

I’m like hyperventilating just looking at this again. I’m gonna pull a Lauren Conrad here and say to 2020 Marnie: “I want to forgive you and I want to forget you.” LMAO.

Where do your eyes go to first? Maybe that $8k!!!!!!!!!! Eight thousand dollars. Eight THOUSAND dollars on food delivery. EIGHT THOUSAND DOLLARS. What a waste. There are so many other things I could have done with that money. Like literally anything else. I’m not naive enough to think that I could cook every single meal at home for a whole year but I could definitely go without literally eating 8k. Before I got my data, I was guesstimating that it would be somewhere around 10k so I wasn’t like totally surprised but I was most certainly pissed. Fuck, looking at that number hurts.

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So let’s dig into the data a little bit. The uptick in April is right around when we were working from home and getting used to the new normal so that uptick doesn’t really seem that odd to me. In May and June, I spent a ton of time at the West Side Tennis Club so it will be interesting to see spending patterns with my club bill (another black hole of spending money but at least I play tennis there so it’s not as bad). June, July, August I was at the Hamptons, Kentucky, and Utah so not much Seamless spending there. In July I was diagnosed with a brain tumor and had some personal stuff that had me in a pretty bad state of depression so those months I really didn’t care and I was so lazy and ordered a lot. Like multiple times a day. Still, no excuse but it gives a bit of context. The only word that comes to mind here is just pure laziness. Like how much easier and cheaper is it to cook your own food?

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The fact that I spent over $1k at Buffalo Wild Wings when the one near me closed halfway through the year is absurd. Honestly, I was ordering for the mini corn dogs and they took them off the menu or else the total would have definitely been higher. I’m still devastated that they took them off, but that’s another story for another day. I mean I ordered from them almost every month of the year. I was not discriminating any of the days! Insane.

It was really hard to look at all of this, but even harder to look at the next screenshot. I have this super awesome scale that tells a lot more than weight but just for this exercise, let’s only look at weight.

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After my brain tumor scare and all of that I just didn’t care about anything. I stopped weighing myself and was just eating out like crazy. One of the biggest problems with eating out/ordering take out is that you are giving up control on things like the amount of salt and oil that is used in the food. You may think that you are making “healthy” choices but even then, you don’t know how much shit they’re adding into it to make it taste good or addictive. After seeing the Seamless data and this chart, it’s obvious that the two are correlated and that I need to make changes in my daily choices. Am I going to cook every single meal? Absolutely not. But my goal is to make healthier choices for my body and my wallet. Cheers to a healthier year.

xx marn


Serves in Support


Year In Review: Spotify Edition