The G Life
Let me introduce you to someone that is super special to me, James Navarrete. James is like the sunlight of my life. He keeps me going and he keeps me motivated. I could literally go on and on about him but I am excited to share this post today to launch my blog & to kick off PRIDE month.
Surprise, James is gay! He answered some questions about what it’s like to come out, be openly gay and how that has impacted his life and career. Lastly, and most importantly, he helps me become a better ally.
Tell me about yourself, where are you from? how long have you lived in NYC? All that good stuff.
JN: I was born and raised in L.A. and moved to NYC 21 years ago!
What do you do for a living?
JN: I have been in the Fashion advertising business for over 2 decades. Have been Publisher, Fashion and Luxury Director, Digital Advertising Dir for several magazines and websites including Luxury Magazine, Out Magazine,, Detour magazine and Bullett media. I launched my own site a few years ago,, and now I wear many more hats. Creative Director, Editor, Ad rep, content creator, event executor and promoter, CEO and Founder.
The G life? What’s that?
JN: I felt the Gay community was not being represented properly. There was and is a bit of a stereotype of perceiving gay men as not a well rounded group. We are more than parties on Fire Island, we want more than the perfect physique and/or trend. We care about the environment and are one of the most charitable communities. I wanted something I could relate to and my friends could be proud of supporting and following as well. My hope is that the next generations of young gay guys could see themselves more elevated than what the media sometimes pigeonholes and portrays the gay man to be.
James & his sweet partner, John.
Love is Love
Did you ever face any challenges that you felt were stemmed from your sexual orientation? If yes, can you talk a little bit about those
JN: Growing up in a catholic hispanic household, coming out was not easy. There were definite growing pains. I luckily had a strong sense of self and knew that God had not created a mistake. I was being authentic and true to my being. My parents and family members eventually came around and have been very supportive. It was definitely a learning curve for them.
Luckily having worked at a Celebrity Fashion magazine in Hollywood right after college, no challenges arose as I climbed up in the ranks and launched my career. If anything, I believe there may have been more gay and lesbian employees than hetero? It was a welcoming group of colleagues.
What would you say to someone who is scared to come out to their friends/family or someone who is worried about what people will think of them?
JN: I would say your true friends will stand by you and support you no matter who you love. Why wouldn’t you want to be surrounded by those that only want what’s best for you? Also, if you think you’re close to your family and think you may lose them, imagine a world where your truth brings you that much closer and you can share all of your life and be loved, it exists.
How can people support the LGBTQ community? Do you recommend any organizations or charities, etc.?
JN: I’m a big fan of The Trevor Project! It is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer & questioning youth. I think that demographic is most at risk for abuse, neglect and homelessness. The G Life supports them all year long.
Lastly, how will you celebrate pride this year, given that things are different with COVID now?
JN: By continuing to be my authentic self! Maybe in my own way, someone who may have otherwise had a narrow minded stereotype of what a gay man is all about will think differently. And perhaps I can help young gay men be the best they can be through my own actions. And lastly, by being loud and proud!!!
Our friend Ivona, James and I plan to make all kinds of colorful cocktails to represent the rainbow in celebration of pride month.
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