The Hangry Travel Diaries

Many of you follow me on instagram and seem to love the wild travel stories that inevitably happen each time I travel. Because I live alone in NY, I travel a lot to visit friends, family and my cute boyfriend who lives in Michigan. I like to think that I’ve mastered the art of traveling and figure I would share the knowledge. 

First things first, picking an airline. I would die for Delta Airlines. Even when I have had “bad” experiences, they don’t compare to the horrors I’ve experienced with other airlines bc I wanted to save a few bucks here and there. When it comes to picking an airline you should consider your budget, your most visited destination(s) and their rewards program. The most important part about picking an airline is being loyal to that airline, even if there’s a cheaper flight on another airline. You want to build points which can be used for miles to buy tickets, upgrades, etc. Pick an airline that has a good rewards program and get the credit card that’s partnered with the airline. This way, you can earn miles even when you’re not traveling — just be sure to pay it off at the end of every month. Maybe one day I’ll tell you all my credit card story… but not today! Okay, so the airlines mainly cover similar destinations but some places — like the tiny town that my bf lives in — only have flights from one airline. For me, Delta has great flight times and prices for my top 4 locations: Louisville, where my mom lives, Alpena, where my boyfriend lives, Mexico City, near where my grandparents live and Chicago, my second home. You do you, though. Pick an airline and be loyal as fuck. 

Today I’m flying back to New York and because of my good status with Delta, the partner airline on the Mexican side was able to sort out my problems and even move my seat to the front free of charge. Being loyal pays dividends when you least expect it but when you seem to need it the most!


I’ve had the worst experiences, particularly around the holidays, going to Mexico to visit family and the airline losing my bags. Delta has a great app that notifies me when the bag is on the plane and when it’s off the plane. This gives me peace of mind that they always know where my bag is and it helps me trust that it will arrive with me. I don’t know how many times I’ve had the conversation with the useless agent at the airport saying they don’t know exactly where my bag is. To combat this, I would recommend to only take a carry on bag. If you must bring a checked bag, do so at your own risk. The companies that make carry on luggage are fantastic and make them as big as possible within the regulations. My bag of choice is by a company called Beis. They focus on solving very normal travel problems through their designs. I have the black carry on roller and it is durable, expandable and has 4 wheels. This is key people — say no to suitcases with just 2 wheels. That is a thing of the past. My roller bag also has a little hidden strap hook thing so I can attack a smaller bag onto it, though I rarely use it bc I usually have a bigger and heavier purse with me. Even Lola loves Beis. Other great carry on bag companies include Away and if you want to splurge, go ahead and get yourself a Rimowa. Treat yourself. 

Pack Smarter

You don’t need that extra pair of shoes. You don’t need that extra outfit. Check the weather before you go, plan your outfits by day or by event/occasion. Bring clothes that you can wear on multiple occasions, for example if you want to bring jeans, you really only need 1 pair and a a couple of different shirts, instead of a pair of jeans for each shirt. Jeans also weigh a lot! If you ever have to get your suitcase down a couple pounds, shoes and jeans are usually the heaviest. If you have a carry on bag that is too heavy for you to lift into the overhead compartment, you’ve packed too much. Just recently I went to Michigan to see Aaron and it was freezing! Then I got a call about a family emergency in Mexico and I had to go straight there without having time to switch out my clothes. The things I had for Michigan ended up working great for Mexico because of all the layers I had packed to begin with. I even wore my UGGS while I was down there. Like I said — pack smarter!

What should go in your small personal item bag?

If you checked your bag, def have an emergency change of clothes or underwear at the very least. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stranded somewhere without any of my suitcases.

Def always carry snacks and/or gum. Gum can help trick your mind when it’s hungry into thinking that you’re eating something or at least that’s what I tell myself. A good snack is always super clutch. I like the biscoff cookies from Delta. I always get a bunch especially if I have 2 flights, I just keep one in the side pocket of my purse. This is just essential for every day life in general because well… you know how I got the name HANGRY Marn.

Hydration is key. You get super dehydrated on planes — don’t ask me why but it’s a fact. I always keep a stick of liquid iv or two bc 1) you never know when you’re gonna be hungover (the best nights tend to sneak up on you) and 2) it helps when I have a headache or nausea or when I just don’t want water. Life saver.

If you’re flying internationally, always bring a pen. Shit, always bring a pen in general, but especially if you’re traveling internationally. Though a lot of places are moving to online forms, a lot of countries still require handwritten forms to enter their country. why? Well that’s beyond me but it is what it is.

I like to also throw in a hand sanitizer or a small pack of Lysol wipes bc #pandemic but you know.

If you have a day flight and want to sleep, I can’t recommend the Olly melatonin gummies enough. Also, sometimes it’s bright as hell and even when you close the shade you can still see some light. Bring a mask for you eyes or if you have a beanie you can pull that sucker down to cover your eyes and keep your noggin warm during the flight. I like to use my big winter coat as a blanket and pillow bc it’s so fluffy so I put it on backwards and then use one of the arms to bunch it up like a pillow against the window.

Lastly, bring something to entertain yourself with. Sometimes you can’t sleep on flights to you have to keep yourself occupied. I’m a big fan of noise cancelling headphones, I have the AirPods Pro but sometimes they fall out while I’m sleeping so I get nervous but those big headphones get on my nerves. Bring a charger in case your plane offers a charging port and if not, then bring a book or something that it’s battery operated. You never know when you’re gonna be stranded at the airport for extended periods of time so it’s better to bring a charger always and a back up plan.

Ok, we’ve covered airlines, bags and packing. Now let’s move on to travel etiquette. This is what kills me and the reason I have so many good stories every time I step foot in an airport. 

  1. Be selfless. Everyone is trying to get somewhere and nobody wants to be delayed. Think about how many flights and people go through an airport. It’s inevitable that something is going to go wrong. Don’t be a dick to the agents communicating the delays and updates — they have no control over them. Do not make their job harder by asking them a million questions or giving them attitude. If they have information that is meant for the passengers, they will communicate it. Trust.

  2. Do not, and I repeat DO NOT even think about getting up and going to the boarding area until your section has been called. Not only will you be standing for no reason, you will encourage other people to stand. Next thing you know, you’ve got a bunch of people blocking the boarding door for the people who are actually supposed to be boarding and you will be blocking the way for other passengers walking by to get to other gates. Resist the urge. If you have a ticket, you will get on the plane.

  3. Kids. If you have small children, or kids of any age honestly, teach them about respecting others and the importance of following directions. You can do so by following directions yourself. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had a kid sitting behind me kicking the seat and being obnoxious. Bring things to entertain your kid to avoid this. Kids crying is hard to avoid and control. Mad respect to people that travel with babies.

  4. Moving walkways. “Please stand to the right, and allow other to pass safely on the left.” If you are standing or walking slowly, do so on the right side. A lot of people are rushing to make tight connections and I guarantee they don’t want to deal with your dumb ass blocking the way. I don’t care if no one is coming or if you say you’re going to move when someone wants to get by. Don’t crowd or block the walkway.

  5. Conversations on the plane should be short and quiet. Many people are trying to read or sleep and it’s not a time for you to be cackling about some joke that’s not even actually funny. Not even my noise cancelling AirPods can block out that noise so do us all a favor and just keep it down.

  6. Are you one of those chatty people that loves to make friends with strangers? Great. Do so but if a person has AirPods or headphones in, leave them alone! They don’t want to talk to you. Just because you want to talk, doesn’t mean that everyone wants to talk to you.

Security Checkpoint

Come in ready. Have your passport or identification in hand along with your boarding pass. None of this oh it’s on my phone let me open the app and look for it. Stay ready. Don’t be the asshole that’s holding up the line for something stupid like that. It goes without saying but I strongly recommend getting TSA precheck or Clear to get through security checkpoints more quickly. Depending on which type of line you’re going through, look at the signs and follow directions.

For example, I know in TSA precheck I don’t have to take off my shoes and I don’t have to take my laptop out of my bag, UNLESS I have multiple laptops, which I do. Only one needs to come out and the other can stay in the bag. The bags should be laid down flat in a bin, not directly on the conveyor belt unless it’s a roller bag. Those can go directly on the belt unless specified otherwise. Take out all metal from your pockets. Just take everything out and if you wear a belt when you travel, then don’t. Waste of time. Don’t leave your phone, wallet, keys or coins in your pocket. They will make you go back. 

The worst thing you can do at the security checkpoint is be in the way and hold up the line. Don’t go in until your bags are in the X-ray machine and when you come out, go to the end of the conveyor belt. Don’t wait at the part where the stuff is just coming out, your gonna cause traffic and people like me are gonna wanna punch you in the throat.

Traveling is Easy

It’s so easy to be a decent human and be courteous and selfless when you’re at the airport. After all, it is a public place. It’s not your world, you have to coexist with all the other people that are trying to get to their destinations — whatever their reasons may be. It does make them any more or less important. Keep these things in mind and make a better travel experience for you, me and other travelers. Bon voyage 👋🏼

xx Marn


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