Can Mom Go Back To The Office?

Oh my god, it has been well over a year and mom is still working from home. Finally last week, I saw that James Gorman was being quoted left and right — that man is not playing. Next thing you know, mom was turning the apartment upside down looking for work clothes and her badge. She was gone THREE whole days last week, and let me tell you it was glorious!

First things first, I woke her ass up so she wouldn’t be late… late to feed me that is. I knew something was up when she woke up before the sun rose and I wanted to make sure I was properly taken care of before she left me for the day. She works crazy hours so I honestly didn’t know how long she’d be gone. Sometimes when she leaves, she doesn’t come back for days! This time she didn’t take a big roller bag so I figured she’d be coming back soon-ish. Mom changed up the flavor of my food recently, which I’m very pleased about. I only had to tell her by throwing up the old flavors about a dozen times. She got the hint and got me this new chicken/vegetables and beef/vegetables — gotta get those greens because you know I also put on those covid 19 lbs.

Just as she was about to leave, I made sure to meow like crazy so that she would feel guilty about leaving me and give me some of my favorite treats. My grandma actually bought me a ginormous container and I always try to get it open but IDK how mom gets it sealed so tight every time so I have to trick her into giving me more. Of course I got her to feel guilty each morning before she left me and she gave me a handful of treats to distract me on her way out.

Ahhhhhh, the silence was so beautiful, though one day she left me this awesome tv show on. It was all these fishies swimming on the screen, which I didn’t realize they weren’t real for a while until I jumped up by the tv and tried to catch one. What a tease. Anyway, I spent most of my day doing whatever the hell I wanted to do. I first napped on my favorite corner of my bed, then on the arm of the couch and lastly on mom’s keyboard because she finally wasn’t here to move me off it. It was sunny most of the days so I also went on my hammock which she has on the window for me. I love that thing, though I wonder what the weight limit is because those treats add up!

Anyway, as much as I love napping and eating, I guess I did miss my mom a little bit. Though she annoys me most of the day and doesn’t let me sleep on her mouse or keyboard, I miss having her around… sometimes. When she got home, I was sure to let her know how much I missed her by meowing like crazy again and rubbing my head on her — tricked her again because more treats came my way. We ate dinner together and now that she’s eating healthier, I can eat most of the things she eats. My favorite is when she makes salmon, yum!


I’m back


I Brought My Mom A Mouse & She Didn’t Like It?