I Brought My Mom A Mouse & She Didn’t Like It?

Today was just another day like the past 93 days have been. I’m still not quite sure why mom never leaves the apartment. She’s always hovering and cramping up my style, you know? Parents, they can be so overbearing sometimes. When will she accept that I’m a grown up now? I mean I even write and publish my own posts now. Whatever.


So today she was packing and bag and I was like thank the good lord because I have been stuck with her for so long. Anyway, she keeps the travel bags in the closet and there’s all kinds of stuff in there. I never really go in there because it’s kind of a mess. Mom if you’re reading this, it’s time to organize the closet. Today, however, I decided to venture into the closet now that some of the bags had freed up some space. Thats when I found a mouse. I’m pretty sure it was already dead but I wanted to bring it to momma because that’s just what you do. I’m a freaking cat after all. I was taught to show respect and love by bringing dead animals, like mice to your elders. Mom is definitely elderly as she just had a birthday recently and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a couple of gray hairs on her head.

When I put the mouse down in front of her and looked up, waiting for a treat, a hug, a pat on the back, literally anything, but that’s not what I got. I don’t think she realized what it was at first so I just stared at her until she yelped. She took a picture and sent it to everyone, but not like showing it off. She was upset that I, A CAT, caught that, A MOUSE. Please tell me what else I was supposed to do? Let the mouse rot back there in the closet? She should be thanking me for helping her clean. She’s always complaining that I don’t do anything to help around the house and when I do, she gets mad. I mean come on woman, make up your damn mind.


RIP Mouse

Anyway, I’m super pumped because mom is away this weekend so I get to spend time with one of my all time favorite people - James!! And it’s pride month so I can’t wait to see how we are going to celebrate together. We’ll def post pics. It’s past my bedtime byeeeee.

Xo Lola


Can Mom Go Back To The Office?


How I met my mother