How I met my mother


We can all thank momma’s friend Brooke for introducing us. I kept visiting Brooke’s roommate’s mom’s house because she fed me yummy snacks and gave me water when I was roaming in the wild suburbs of Chicago. It was the end of October so it was starting to get cold and I wasn’t sure how I was gonna survive a brutal Chicago winter. Luckily, momma came to pick me up & I walked right up to her and rubbed my head on her leg and claimed her as my own.

The suburbs are only like 35 mins from the city but with traffic and having to drop Brooke off, the ride was about an hour. They put me in this weird cage thing that was so small and uncomfortable and I didn’t know what the heck was going on! I was so scared I even peed in the cage and it got on my fur - ugh! When we got to my new home, I ran out of the cage as soon as mom opened it up. I wasn’t so sure of this situation anymore since she had just locked me in a cage for an hour! All I did was give her licks and cuddles?! So I hid under her bed and i went right in the middle as far away from her as possible. She tried to reach her arm but she couldn’t reach me. Then she tried to get me out with a broom and failed again. No match for me - I’m quite witty & smart.


We took many road trips from Chicago-Louisville together & riding in the car wasn’t so bad as long as I wasn’t in that stupid cage. I just slept the whole time.

Anyway, I started to get hungry so I had to come out to get food. Mom gave me some food and when I was done eating, she snatched me up and locked us in the bathroom. That damn trickster. As if it wasn’t bad enough that she locked me in that damn cage in the car! She then gave me a shower! Not bath, shower. I mean seriously, does she not know that cats dont like water/getting wet? Or that cats clean themselves?

Thank God that shower was quick. I was meowing and hissing like never before, so I think she got the hint. As soon as she opened the bathroom door, you guessed it, I ran right back to my safe spot under the bed. Not so sure about this new living situation.

A day or so passed and she kept laying on the ground trying to reach me and get close to me. Eventually I felt bad for her and came out from under the bed. Turns out the mattress is so bouncy and comfy and I love having the whole bed to myself. I got used to my new lifestyle quickly after those first couple of days.

Now, I can get mom to do whatever I want, whenever I want. Don’t let her fool you, we all know who owns who here.

Do you remember when we met? Let me know in the comments your favorite memory or story with/of me.


I Brought My Mom A Mouse & She Didn’t Like It?


You can call me Queen Lola