Featured Posts

Making Your Health a Priority: Chatting Nutrition with Julia Menhart
Eating well all the time is hard! My friend Julia and I talk about nutrition and exercise on today’s blog post.

Alfonso Ochoa — My Grandpa
Former professional tennis player, Alfonso Ochoa, my grandfather, shares his best memories throughout the years and what it's like to be married to your best friend for 58 years (and counting)!

My Sweet Abuela
Getting to know my grandma, Yola Ramirez. She spent all afternoon on this so leave her some love in the comments.

Staying Fit On The Road
Do you skip your workouts when you travel? You shouldn’t! My friend Olga tells us all about traveling all the time and staying on track with her workouts. Click to read all about her crazy schedule.

Learn about the program that changed my life!

All things about my recent trip to Italy. The food, the drinks and the unhinged things that happened on the way to the wedding.